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Victoria Olivadoti

FREE Zooms Every Wednesday in July

I have received requests from parents and teachers for support sessions for the situation they experienced with their children during Covid. Time management issues were the biggest concern of those seeking help. I’ll be offering a FREE Zoom every Wednesday at 10 am PST beginning in July. Limited spaces are available, so click on this

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Three FREE Live Events For Subscribers

MONDAY: The Power of the Question and How to Overcome the Fear of Asking Them 11am pst. Click this link to join my Victoria’s Challenge Group and join the group so you can log on early so you don’t miss anything. Have you paper and pencil ready. Monday’s FREE will focus on the power of

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FREE Seminar

I Admit It – I Am a Rebel

In the 1980’s, a paradigm shift occurred that placed focus on testing and pushing to get better scores. I put my foot down and decided I could not focus on test scores. They were only a snapshot of my students, but the negative impact on their self-esteem was not worth risking. I cared about the

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Kill Failure With Word Choice

We all want our children to be successful. They may have the intelligence, mindset, and potential to be successful, but something seems to get in their way. Over the years, I have had children describe themselves in different ways. Some children use the following words to describe themselves: artistic, funny, fun, serious, smart, and capable.

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Critical Thinking Requires the Ability to Know What to Block Out

I want to share an amazing article I read in The Conversation that describes the skills that are not being taught, but will be essential for our children’s future use of technology. Sam Wineburg, Professor of Education and (by courtesy) History, Stanford University, approach the needs of today’s students and I feel it is crucial

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Covid Demonstrated a Need to Change- No More Push to Nowhere!

Resilient, self-relient, self-advocates, effective time managers, and excellent communicators are happy empowered children. When a child has strategies they don’t become paralyzed. When children don’t have strategies, they see no recourse and receive no relief. Covid proved we need to have a different focus on your children’s future education. The focus on academic achievement got

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Ease Math Anxiety – Less is Better

Math facts are one thing that will need to be visited every summer. Some people work under the premise that more practice is better, but the opposite is true. All research proves that memorization without understanding and cramming for tests will not create lasting memories. Math teachers will agree that the most common mistakes they

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Asking Questions Requires One to be Vulnerable

When we ask questions or have hard conversations with others, we are making ourselves vulnerable. Most people fear being vulnerable. It takes courage to open ourselves to shame or criticism. And learning how to allow oneself to recognize and address those who shame is a powerful life skill we can give our children.  According to

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Prepare for the Fall With a Day at the Beach

Today I decided to take myself to the beach. I find the effect of the ocean releases creativity. So with a journal in hand, I walked down the cliff to the majestic Crystal Cove in California. The weather was perfect. There weren’t many people, so it provided the feel of a somewhat private beach. As

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Sure Fire Ways to Get Children Caught Up This Summer

Getting children ahead this summer is as simple as getting out into nature. Are you wondering how to get your children caught up during the summer? Save your money! Avoid the hype of programs that pray on parents’ concerns about their children being behind because of Covid. Your children are not being left behind. education spirals

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About Victoria

Victoria is an educational consultant, nationally recognized speaker. Her over 50 years in education has been focused on developing resilient self-reliant self-advocates who know how to tap into their innate ability to independently solve challenges.

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