The Homework Doc

listening skills

To Group or Not to Group?

That is a question. The pendulum swings continually. Every year I dealt with parents whose only wish was that their children be in the high reading and math groups. I am a huge proponent of grouping for a variety of reasons, but only appropriate grouping. If the purpose is to push a child so they

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A Game of Solitaire Was an Eye Opener

In this article I will address the concerns we all need to be aware of when using the internet and why it is important to help children become educated in the strategies used to capture their attention and sway their opinions and future purchases. A Game of Solitaire- Innocent? Maybe Not! One would think that

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Protecting Our Children in a Multi-Media World

Digital and social media exposure makes our children vulnerable to the manipulation of others.  Can our children recognize the one most powerful strategy used to persuade? Our grandparents and parents may have used it to convince us we should comply with their wishes.  WHAT IS IT?   Children become empowered to protect themselves, when they

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Collaborating Strengthens Ideas

Necessary Skills for 2022

I’ve been asked, “What skills will be more important today that are no longer taught, that were once taught years ago.” Without hesitation, I know that the Socratic methods used by Socrates are essential today. I would say more important than they were during his time. Why? Our students are barraged by information and are

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About Victoria

Victoria is an educational consultant, nationally recognized speaker. Her over 50 years in education has been focused on developing resilient self-reliant self-advocates who know how to tap into their innate ability to independently solve challenges.

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