The Homework Doc

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Prepare Children For AI Dangers

Parents prepare their children for possible stranger danger in the park. They warn their teens about the dangers they may experience while behind the wheel. We give them devices, but have we prepared them for what we don’t even know they may experience? One thing we can’t predict is the impact of Artificial Intelligence Apps

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Tech Savvy Students Need Different Skill Sets

I received this question today: How can we blend the advantages of traditional teaching with self-learning to provide a more effective and relevant education for today’s youth who are often more tech-savvy than their predecessors? Let’s first explore the fact that The questions students will be asked to answer in the future will not have

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How Can Students Get Their Needs Met in the Classroom?

I was asked the following question: “What are the best practices to help children overcome obstacles and challenges they face in their educational journey, and how can we create a more inclusive education system for all children, regardless of their social background?” by Qusmano Kind I have an easy answer. We need to place more

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Question: How important is Parent and Teacher Communication?

I was asked,” How important is parent and teacher communication?” My answer will surprise you. “Not as important as student to teacher and child to parent communication. I believe we need to teach children the Art of Self-Advocacy“ When students learn how to be self-advocates, communication between parent and teacher is less important. Reasons for

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Boredom Can Lead to Creativity

For years parents have been concerned that their children were bored in class. Parents responded beautifully to their children’s cries of boredom. They allowed their children to fill their time with video game playing. Parents began filling the afternoons with all sorts of organized activities. Teachers rallied to fill the empty space with creative activities

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CRUCIAL to Student Success: Mental Check-ins

Checking in with students about their goals and how they feel they are doing is crucial to help them maintain their mental health. Hundreds of students are suffering silently, because of they have perceptions of how they should be performing. They are questioning if they can maintain their current level of performance. The stress of

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Why Do Students Misjudge Their Capabilities?

After a few years of working with third graders I had an epiphany about the perceptions held by underachieving students who lacked confidence, or students who demonstrated negative behaviors. I was discovering an alarming number of students with poor self-images who were very capable students. As the demands on kindergarteners shifted from developmental learning to

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Self-Advocates Succeed!

My first failures in the classroom led me to discover Homework Solutions that promotes self-advocacy in students. Students fear mistakes. As young as 4 years old, I have seen children fall apart because they made a mistake. By time these same children enter third grade, they either know the value of a mistake or the

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Relief for School Stress

The start of school is exciting. Students love getting new school supplies and can’t wait to start writing on the fresh pages with hopes of a better year. The first weeks are designed to be easy to help students settle in, but then the novelty of the new supplies wanes as the placement testing begins.

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Elections Offer Critical Thinking Skills

Turn on the television, open the newspaper, or magazine and notice the ads. What are all advertisers doing to get your attention. They use a time tested formula that sells products.  1. They point out something to be fearful of like rashes, aches and pains, male patterned baldness, female facial hair, or weak bones in children.  2.

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About Victoria

Victoria is an educational consultant, nationally recognized speaker. Her over 50 years in education has been focused on developing resilient self-reliant self-advocates who know how to tap into their innate ability to independently solve challenges.

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