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Dealing With Mistakes

According to Albert Einstein, “Despite the fact that I analyzed nine problems correctly, no one congratulated me. But when I made one mistake, everyone started laughing. This means that even if a person is successful, society will notice his slightest mistake. And they’ll like that. Making mistakes is part of learning. Obviously, it’s important that

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Ai's recommendations are worth following,

Another AI Point of View

I was curious about how different apps would respond to my question. My second request was more specific than my first question. It offers more concrete reminders about what students need to consider when using AI Apps. The following is what was generated by my request: What Cautions Should AI Users Be Aware Of? Artificial

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AI’s Advice For Users

I asked ChatGPT, “What questions should students ask about AI generated material. How can they determine accuracy of the material generated. What cautionary advice would you give them?” The following are its response: [AI CHAT BOT]: When evaluating AI-generated material, students should ask the following questions: To determine the accuracy of AI-generated material, students can

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Do You “Should” on Yourself and Others?

“I should have done it differently.” Have you found yourself saying that? “That parent should have made her children do the work.” Is this something you’ve thought of in the past? How about, “The teacher should know my child did understand the concept.”  Everyday we “Should” ourselves and others. I’ve vowed today to stop doing

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The Results Are In-AI Jumped the Gun

App developers were cautioned to wait before releasing their products, but they didn’t listen. They are using users to point out the glitches. Unfortunately, too many users don’t question the accuracy of the materials generated by Apps. Recent reports indicate Apps are posing new challenges for users. Glitches are showing up daily. Of major concern

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Strategies for Learning About Your Children’s School Day

Parents eagerly await the dismissal from school to find out how their children’s day went. They ask the question, “Did you learn anything new today?” and the response is a discouraging, “No.”  Many times our children come home exhausted. They have grown accustomed to carefree days and are suddenly thrown into a structured day that

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AI – Preparing Our Children for This Rapidly Changing World

A short 9 months ago, most device users never gave a bit of attention to AI-Artificial Intelligence. They let their cars tell them how to get to different places. Alexa turned on their music of choice without them having to scan radio channels to find something of interest. I used it to check my grammar

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Caution: AI Detectors Are Ineffective-

Today we will explore the newest development in AI and an exciting way to use AI as a catalyst to exciting critical thinking opportunities and classroom and in home discussions. The use of AI Detectors by teachers could result in false accusations of cheating. AI has only been available to students for less than a

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Question of the Day: How can AI chatbots in education help children learn to read and be a cost-effective alternative to tutoring? Victoria Olivadoti Educator (1972–present)Just now I receive questions daily. Today’s question is ” How can AI chatbots in education help children learn to read and be a cost-effective alternative to tutoring? AI is attractive

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We can use AI to teach Critical Thinking Skills

AI- A Springboard to Critical Thinking

Researching my newest book, I came across a new perceived threat to our children’s education. It is Artificial Intelligence. I was alarmed at first about how it is being used by students today. As I thought about it, I saw ways that it can actually be a benefit to students, but not ow it is

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About Victoria

Victoria is an educational consultant, nationally recognized speaker. Her over 50 years in education has been focused on developing resilient self-reliant self-advocates who know how to tap into their innate ability to independently solve challenges.

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