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AI Creates for Users, But at What Cost?

“This AI creates a prompt for me, and I don’t have to even do any thinking,” was used to promote a new AI App. How nice to have someone to think for users. There are helpful aspects of technology, but at what cost? Apps can be helpful when examining what other ideas are out there,

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Elections Offer Critical Thinking Skills

Turn on the television, open the newspaper, or magazine and notice the ads. What are all advertisers doing to get your attention. They use a time tested formula that sells products.  1. They point out something to be fearful of like rashes, aches and pains, male patterned baldness, female facial hair, or weak bones in children.  2.

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Protecting Our Children in a Multi-Media World

Digital and social media exposure makes our children vulnerable to the manipulation of others.  Can our children recognize the one most powerful strategy used to persuade? Our grandparents and parents may have used it to convince us we should comply with their wishes.  WHAT IS IT?   Children become empowered to protect themselves, when they

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Worried About Your Children’s Future Because of Covid?

Parents looking for a magic cure to the results of Covid learning share their concerns: “My children are getting behind because of Covid.” “My daughter will never get into a good college because of this break in her education with Covid learning.” I have received concerns like this from over one hundred parents. I have

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Strategies for Empowering Strong-Willed Children

Children who misbehave are often exercising their power. The desire to have control over one’s life is healthy, yet many parents are frustrated by it because they don’t understand the reason behind the power struggle. Parents and teachers often celebrate the children who do what they are told. It’s easy parenting and teaching them. These

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One Solution to Covid Stress Related Behavior

Do your children seem to be more sensitive than they were a year ago? Do they respond to the simplest irritations with emotional reactions? You are not alone.  Parents have been reaching out for solutions for dealing with crying jags, emotional outbursts, and negative behavior that is unusual for their children. We are seeing the

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Covid Learning Solutions

FREE course For a limited time! Take the challenges of the last few semesters and create a better next semester using 8 Simple School Success Strategies. Builds resilience!  Use this link: Covid learning tested this approach and validated that it was just what was needed to guarantee students transitioned easily.  I have utilized these strategies

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On-line Course to Combat Covid Learning

FREE course For a limited time! Take the challenges of the last few semesters and create a better next semester using 8 Simple School Success Strategies. Builds resilience!  Use this link: Covid learning tested this approach and validated that it was just what was needed to guarantee students transitioned easily.  I have utilized these strategies

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My Children Don’t Listen – What Can I Do?

How can I get my children to follow directions the first time? I have a life changing strategy for struggling parents who are tired of telling children multiple times to follow directions. Covid has worn down parents down and more of them are complaining that their children aren’t listening. This question reminded me of a

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Bullying-Why Does it Happen & What?

A parent asked, “What do I do because my teenage daughter is being bullied on line?” It is a fact we have to deal with. Bullies will bully anywhere. They pick people who they are jealous of and who can be hurt by their words. It is not true that “sticks and stones will break

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About Victoria

Victoria is an educational consultant, nationally recognized speaker. Her over 50 years in education has been focused on developing resilient self-reliant self-advocates who know how to tap into their innate ability to independently solve challenges.

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